Sunday, December 14, 2008

It never fails, does it?? It’s always the nights when I need sleep the most, like a night before a huge basketball game, or in this case, a final exam, when it seems like I just cannot get to sleep... but at the same time, I wouldn’t trade these nights for the world. Maybe it’s just something that God wired into my system when He created me, just that every so often I have a night where I just lay in bed and think and talk to Him... and that’s all I’ve been doing tonight lol. I think of them as my “Goodnight Kisses from God” (thus the name of the blog). They are just sweet moments which allow me to reflect on the love of my God and who He is. It’s nice to sit and write about it, and get my thoughts out of my head before they somewhat make my head explode, and I don’t know if anyone even reads these, but I will try my hardest not to bore you. lol.

Tonight I’ve kind of been thinking about “life”. Simple isn’t it? Haha but not really.. I mean, I’m not speaking of just like the time we are given on earth, but actual LIVING. like I take more pictures than just about anybody I know… and the whole point is to capture a moment, but still, you can’t capture “living”. For example, sometimes I wish I could take a picture of… October. Haha I know that sounds weird, but think about it... The world seems to erupt about that time of year- the trees go crazy, changing into all different colors of gorgeous oranges, reds and yellows… apple cider and football games and huge orange pumpkins. And you can take all the pictures you want, but that feeling, that life and emotion and peace, cannot be captured in ANY photo.

But then that makes me wonder how much of living have I already missed out on… I love being involved with anything and everything, that’s just how I am, and I do it because I don’t want to miss out on anything, but then I get so caught up in the busyness that I end up missing out on a lot of just, living. I forget to capture the moment and put it to use, but instead, I roam through life like a preprogrammed robotic, just doing enough to get through the day… and I’m not saying that busyness is necessarily wrong… because like filling our time with stuff that matters to us and activities God has created us to enjoy can be a good thing, but then there’s still that place in psalm where it says “be still and know that I am God”…BE STILL... Sometimes that’s the hardest thing for me to do. Maybe that’s why He made a few nights like these where it’s absolutely impossible for me to go to sleep, because then I have no choice but to “be still and know”.

I love that God likes my whole life, like He’s not just around when I’m doing church stuff... He’s into all the details of me. We can give Him glory through every little bit of it, but I still think that He wants to give me something in these few quiet, sleepless minutes.. I don’t know, but maybe its just Him whispering a promise to me… you know? Letting me know that at the end of the day, when everything else in life stops and nothing is left, He is still there, and He is the same as He was when I woke up that morning... and that, I love. :)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Molly! I can relate to many of those sleepless nights myself. For me, those are some of the times when God seems so real.

    I do hope you get some sleep, but I also hope you have some more precious times with our Savior that you can share with us!

    Love and miss you!
